God’s plans or Our plans?

So I haven’t sat down to write anything in a long time. I know this is something I should make more time for, cause there is a lot I want to write about, but in a busy life it’s hard to find time. Lately though, there has been this topic on my heart and on my mind. We live in a culture that is always looking for something better. We go out and buy a new device and months later an updated, better one is coming out and we seem to feel as though we need it. What we have is not enough. Look at what has happened just in the last couple weeks with the release of the new iPhone 4s. Millions of devices have been sold already, and some of them were sold to people that had the iPhone 4 already. A few tweaks in something and all the sudden its better and we need it. We want everything we have to be better than the things we already have. Have you noticed that we seem to treat God the same way? We look for the next thing we can do that is going to be better than the last thing we did. We ask what we can do better to reach more people. We look for how we can top the church next door, or the one down the street, or the one hundreds of miles away that seem to be doing something cool. Sometimes I wonder if in our attempt to always do something better, we leave God out of the process. What if in our attempt to do the next thing, we miss out on what God is doing in the moment we are already in. Instead of trying to come up with an event or a way to reach more people, what if we asked God how we could reach the people that are already in our lives every day that we refuse to talk and share with. I don’t think there is anything wrong with trying to plan an event that will reach people, but I wonder if we use that as a way to get out of doing what we have been called to do in everyday lives. What would it look like if really asked God what He wanted us to do? Do you think He would tell us to do something bigger and better than another church? Do you think He would tell us that what we have been doing isn’t big enough for Him and we need to go back and make it better? I think we get that thought process when we don’t stop to give our plans to God and ask Him what He wants us to do. What if instead of saying “God I want to do something better than anyone else out there,” we do what Pastor Brad Reed does ask the question “God what are you already doing and how can we be a part of that?” What would it look like if we got ourselves out of the way and just trusted in Him? Instead of saying I have this great idea for how we can do things better, we stopped and prayed and said God I want my ideas to be your ideas. We set our plans and ask God to show up, instead of allowing God to set the plans and be thankful we can show up. What ever happened to “thy will be done?” When did it change and we start saying “my will be done.” When did it become about us? When did we say God please stand in the corner as I come up with a way to make you famous. He doesn’t need us to make Him famous; He has done fine doing that on His own. I don’t need bigger and better, I just need Jesus. I want whatever plans and thoughts I have to be God’s, not mine. I want to be a part of His plan to make Him famous, cause mine cannot even compare to His. I challenge everyone to start asking God how we can be a part of what he is already doing instead of asking what else we can do. Start letting Him be the one that sets the plans, and just get out of His way.

2 responses to “God’s plans or Our plans?

  • graciousvictor

    I also just need Jesus…. 🙂

  • internet elias

    Good post. Thought provoking. Real. And as I read the words from the thoughts of your mind and from the desire in your heart..something became obvious. The thought is not yours. The desire is not yours. Both belong to God. He desires fellowship with you…not with the massses. He is getnly tapping your heart and mind on its shoulder..lol…desiring you to speak with Him so He can speak with you. I guess Christianity is similar to Wilderness where God housed the escaped of Egypt. The majority never saw God’s hand. They only saw the manna. They never saw God’s healing power. They only saw the lifted Brazen Serpent. Only the few saw God…trusted…thanked..and praised Him for sustenance. The few entered the Promised Land.

    Ps 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

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